
5S Methodology

One of the many tools in the Lean toolbox is the 5S methodology. Originating from a Japanese management philosophy, the 5S methodology refers to the five Japanese words which describe cleaning or tidying up. Keep in mind 5S is actually more than a tool, form it’s Japanese heritage it also reflects a mindset, that of […]

DMAIC model

The five phases of the DMAIC model The DMAIC model is a roadmap for Six Sigma, used to improve the quality of results that company processes produce. The letters DMAIC are short for: Define, Measure, Analyse, Improve and Control. These five parts are filled in by following twelve steps, which guide you through the process. […]

PDCA Cycle

PDCA, also known as the Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle, is a proven and powerful improvement method widely used within many organizations. With the PDCA Cycle, plans are drawn up, actions are carried out, and there is continuous evaluation. The intention of this cycle is to continuously guarantee quality. This is why there is a lot of evaluation, […]